Tonio K's a Christian Music guy now? Is that relatively new? I certainly don't associate Christianity with my favorite Tonio K song from back in the day ("H-A-T-R-E-D" from LIFE IN THE FOODCHAIN) which included these lyrics: yes i wish i was as mellow as for instance jackson browne but "fountain of sorrow" my ass motherfucker i hope you wind up in the ground Still brings a smile to my face after all these years, and I say that as someone who considers LATE FOR THE SKY one of the best albums ever of that genre and period. Drew On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 9:50 AM, crothers wrote: > > I can't freaking believe that I forgot to include Tonio K. I used to listen to him obsessively. I guess I don't listen as much any more because I can play them in my head. > > Buy everything, starting with Life in the Foodchain and Amerika. > The later it gets career-wise the thinner the material gets, but there is good stuff on everything.