I don't know that Doug Pinick has disowned Christianity but he did announce he is gay a while back as did a member of the Ocean Blue. Happy 4th of July weekend to everyone :) ----- Original Message ----- From: "whitsbrain" To: audities@smoe.org, audities@smoe.org Sent: Friday, July 2, 2010 8:12:05 AM Subject: Re: Recommendation Request for Good Christian Music .-) Well, I am Christian, but I find most Christian music to be beyond boring. King's X is certainly not horrendous. They may not be a band you enjoy, but to say they're horrendous is misleading. They are very talented musicians but they sound nothing like the other bands you mentioned here. That's why I described their music in my earlier e-mail as hard rock. They are definitely not what the majority of people here would listen to. But there's no denying a Power Pop element in their music. Yes, I'm all about saving money so certainly do try before you buy. I've always thought the music of the Doors was best suited for Wednesday night gigs at the Holiday Inn lounge. Worst band ever...but many will argue that they are great musicians. By the way, King's X or should I say their frontman Dug Pinnick has basically disowned religion. King's X...now safe for atheists, too! ---------------------------------------- From: "garymaher@juno.com" Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 5:14 PM To: audities@smoe.org Subject: Re: Recommendation Request for Good Christian Music .-) I'll second the nomination of the innocence mission. They've progressed from a vaguely Kate Bush-ish sound on their debut (c. 1989) to a drumless, acoustic trio on their recent records. Their first three major label albums do not contain overtly religious songs (except for one song on their second album) so they're safe for even atheists like me! :-) And Karen Peris has one of the most amazing voices I've ever heard. Overt religious themes pop up with more frequency on their more recent records, but I think there's still something there for everyone. Someone mentioned the 77's. Their eponymous album is really great and somewhat eclectic sounding at various time like the Byrds, the Doors, and 80's alternative. Plus Chris Hillman plays on one track. Last and least, King's X. I think they're horrendous, but they do seem to have a bit of a following. Try before you buy. g