I've been watching this, or letting it play as I work, almost non-stop for the last week. I already loved the song (I have a thing for that Prince-y vibe...), but the video kicked it back into my consciousness big time. I've watched it countless times, as well as downloaded it and embedded it on all my sites, profiles and several blogs. Yes, I'm a little obsessed with this video (and I thought my viewing habits for "This Too Shall Pass" were over the top!), though, I swear not all of the million + views so far were me! I guess I just can't resist the pull of genuine creativity, and it's been hard to find in other places lately. In other, more succinct words, I agree with Michael Coxe and recommend "End Love" (make sure you go download it after you watch, because you're going to want to see it again and share it too!). Christel --- On Tue, 6/22/10, Michael Coxe wrote: From: Michael Coxe Subject: new OK GO video - for "End Love" To: audities@smoe.org Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 12:25 PM And the song isn't bad either :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2fpgpanZAw&feature=fvw - Michael NP: Rick Price & Mike Sheridan  - This Is To Certify