Apologies for the seemingly off-topic post. > "Journolist is done now," says Ezra Klein. > "I'll delete the group soon after this post goes live. That's not > because Journolist was a bad idea, or anyone on it did anything > wrong. It was a wonderful, chaotic, educational discussion. I'm > proud of having started it, grateful to have participated in it, > and I have no doubt that someone else will reform it, with many > of the same members, and keep it going." As I read that I had to laugh. I still feel Audities would have been better off under a new name with new ground rules, but at least it's in multiple & capable hands that aren't mine. And the request to keep the name in honor of Gary Littleton was greater than my desires and identification with the list. I haven't deleted my Facebook account yet mostly due to inertia, but my resolve grows daily that mailing-lists & discussion forums are so much better that the "follow me!" concept of Facebook, which I now consider creepy. Feel free to disagree of course. It's no big deal, and safe, as rival music genre journalists are not interested in outing our meaningless little space where we dance about architecture. And hopefully you've been listening to Insanely Great Pop while reading this message, as I have while posting, to...: Flipper's Guitar "Three Cheers For Our Side", from 1989 and firmly centered in my top musical treasures list. Happy Saturday morning! - Michael