Hey Folks, Hope all's well. Just a quick interruption to let you guys know that this week is the final week for the free, digi-EP giveaway offered by my label DreamCrush Music. If you buy (or have bought) a "Queens English" CD from any outlet before 6/18 and can correctly answer the (very easy) trivia question found at the DreamCrush site (below), you'll receive a free, downloadable digi-EP for your troubles - http://www.dreamcrushmusic.com And lastly, while I have you, a new episode of my video Blog, "Speakin' The Queens", is available now for your perusal. This episode features music by yours truly and special guest, NYC pop band The Trouble Dolls http://markbacino.blogspot.com/ Been having a lot of fun making these mini-music shows (previous episode feat. Jay Sherman-Godfrey & Laura Cantrell), hope you guys enjoy watching them as well. Thanks for your time! Best, Mark http://www.markbacino.com np - Richard Julian - "Girls Need Attention"