Hello peeps! This is a shameless act of self-promotion. I hope you people are in the mood for some new powerpop! We've just released the first single from our upcoming album - *"I Don't Want It"* - and would love for you to check it out. Last night we had a release party and had the honor of sharing the stage with The Mommyheads who've reunited recently. Free download: http://music.thegenuinefakes.com Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnLhR8STW3Y It will be out on iTunes and Spotify soon too. It's the single of the week on Popbang Radio who said very nice things about us: *"Sweden's best kept secret is easily The Genuine Fakes. They have yet to release an album, but the buzz on this band is deservingly huge! They don't hide the fact that they are all about power pop, and fans of Weezer, Fountains of Wayne, The Posies and The Merrymakers will welcome The Genuine Fakes with open arms. This band ain't kidding around... they are serious about climbing to the top of the power pop charts, and with super high quality music like "I Don't Want It", they deserve to get there. Look for the first full length album in the fall of 2010."* Thanks for reading, hope you'll enjoy the song. // Joey Fake of The Genuine Fakes =========================== http://thegenuinefakes.com http://facebook.com/thegenuinefakes http://myspace.com/thegenuinefakes