forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is "LNORIGB" michael --- On Fri, 5/14/10, Michael Adelsheim wrote: > From: Michael Adelsheim > Subject: License plate fun? > To: > Date: Friday, May 14, 2010, 3:12 PM > I was cruising up the Tri-State > Tollway in suburban Chicagoland - hi > Gene!...hi Jami! - when I found myself behind a car whose > license plate > reads, "LNORIGB".  Anybody seen any other pop > noteworthy plates > recently?  Anybody want to come up with their own for > a Friday game of > license-speak?  I gotta go run out and get some stuff > done, but I'll see > if I can come up with one... > > > > Adelsheim  > >