This whole story has ruined my weekend, no doubt about it. And I dread telling a friend of mine who's question to me just about everytime we talk is "so have you heard anything about Owsley putting out another album?" It seems to be confirmed, but no one seems to have the story other than he has killed himself. Does anyone know why he chose this point to do this? Had something happened in the recent past to cause him to want to kill himself? I ask because I have yet to see anything near an explanation in any of the stories about what he was despondent about. Scott Homewood In a message dated 5/1/2010 8:29:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Hi, > > I remember a few years ago jetting to L.A. for IPO, arriving just in > time for the festivities. I was more asleep than awake due to jet lag, > it was about 3 a.m. my time when Will took the stage. At IPO sets are > parceled out in twenty-minute doses, but I remember Owsley played over > an hour. He commanded the stage, it was a powerful performance worthy > of his reputation. I seem to remember he did a Who cover and of > course, his brilliant originals. I'm sure I reviewed the show here. > > Such a loss makes me grateful for those who remain to entertain us. > > Sherman