>From: "Holmes Online" > >http://drbristol.wordpress.com/2010/03/21/broken-records/ > >I'm kinda all over the map, but what else is new? > >cheers >b I posted this as a comment on Bill's blog, but I'm not sure if it went through ... Great post, fellow Auditeer .... To me, one of the real contributing factors to this is the fact that the number of us who have experienced "the pure joy of sifting through racks and racks of albums during thousands of days spent perusing record stores" is dwindling. That was a pastime that I picked up in my jr. high/high school days (many years ago), and one that I still enjoy immensely (albeit infrequently) now that I'm on the downside towards 50. I still prefer CDs to downloads - even on my iPod, I rarely listen on random or to playlists - I almost always listen to entire albums. I get the feeling that I am in the vast minority out there ... hell, even my wife and kids get most of their music, one song at a time, from iTunes. Will lower CD costs make me happy and buy more? Yes and no - I'll probably still buy about the same volume. Will it help covert others from the digital downloads to the CD format? I hope so, but I kind of doubt it. Kids today only want the one "hot" song from iTunes (or some other, sometimes illegal download spot), will listen to it for a while and then discard it. Why not? To them, it's totally disposable as they spent 99 cents or less for it. Remember those days of finding an album that you totally LOVED, based on one song that you heard maybe just once on the radio? I miss those days .... Now get off my lawn, you dang-blasted kids!!! Mike