The Who debate is simple, really....The people at the Superbowl were there to see the game, otherwise, they would have stayed home to watch on TV so they could see the commercials. The crowd was not there to hear a rock concert, so seeing the Who basically for free was pretty cool, so they had a great time, singing the old songs with the band, completely oblivious to the fact that the Who were there because they do the theme songs for CBS's CSI cash cows.At home, most people went to the bathroom, switched over to the Simpson's rerun, or made a plate of chili and hot dogs. ..but the MUSIC FANS watched. Why wouldn't they? The Who are a linchpin in the Classic Rock oeuvre and here they are live on TV.Trouble is, people weren't at the game, and confronted with the closeups of Pete and Roger, and the less-than-perfect sound, were subconsciously  reminded of their own mortality. "If the Who are old...then so am I. They look old and sound less like their records and the way that I remember them, therefore, I must look old, and not as good as I once was."The Who, like the Stones and McCartney, are more about nostalgia and Boomers recapturing their youth than the music they make. Younger viewers probably didn't care.The half time show at the Super Bowl would be wise to remember its roots. Marching Bands, a circus, or Lady Ga Ga's Spectacle are more befitting. None of them are about music, and more suited to the Bread and Circus's aspect of a sporting event. bob