Well, all these guys are old, but there are few bands that could claim such a rich catalog of material. The Who on the SB was just what it was. But how ofter do we get to see the Who on American TV? I enjoyed it... I'll gladly rub it in that I saw the Who 13 times between 1967 and 1982. Wanna see keith moon's drum sticks, I got 'em right here... Maybe to put it in perspective. A few years ago we went to see the last of the delta blues men, Honey Boy Edwards. He was nearing 90. Except for the moment a few songs into the set when he thought they were telling him to take a break, he was scary good. I felt the same about the Who. I don't know of one contemporary band that would dare follow even that abbreviated set.. Jeff Shelton wrote: > I think watching any of these below mentioned acts would be just as painful > ...IMHO anyway. > > Not that I'm an age-ist or anything, I just find rock more enjoyable when > delivered by those who don't yet qualify for Medicare. > > Jeff > > -----Original Message----- > > ....other acts like the Rolling Stones, Pretty Things, NRBQ, Buddy Guy, BB > King, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan etc etc.... > > > -- Ronald Sanchez Director of A&R www.CareerRecords.com www.Donovans-Brain.net