On 2/1/2010 9:25 AM, Chris Kouzes wrote: > Low sales are exactly the reason. Several years ago, Warner Brothers > really made a stab at trying to make music DVDs a viable market. It > just never really paid off for them. I just don't want to OWN video of any sort. Not movies, music, tv shows - none of it. I just want to be able to watch it once or occasionally a repeat viewing. Put in on Netflix or iTunes so I can stream it. The physical manufacturing and distribution model is so 20th century! Get with the subscription model baby, the long tail and all that... I do own ~15 DVDs of stuff that were gifts, or aren't/weren't available for streaming. I do download YouTube videos of 60s/70s performances (mp4 files via Greasemonkey script "Download YouTube Video") as they tend to disappear rapidly, but they're stored on on disk (multiple offsite backups - terabyte USB-2 disks are <$100). - Michael NP: Spooky Tooth - Spooky Two (1st listen in 35 years, vinyl long-gone, found on a blog, some gems there - "Feelin Bad" for one). For some reason I always equated them with Steve Marriott, but it's Gary Wright as the 2nd keyboardist.