I imagine most auditeers are on Bruceıs Not Lame mailing list and would have received a charming email from him about this already, but for the rest of you, take a minute to peruse my new archive of Scandinavian pop sampler CDs: http://www.popsiclerecordings.com/samplers/ I know a lot of you have some of these on your shelves already. All ten volumes are here to download...ten years worth of Scandinavian pop. Itıs a little overwhelming when taken all at once, but if you download one sampler at a time Iım sure youıll discover at least a few new favourite artists. In other news, Mommyheads keyboards player Mike Holt has a sublime new album out called The Dawn Chorus. Preview and order it on the Mommyheads website: http://www.mommyheads.com/holt.html Thereıs an album launch show at Hughıs Room in Toronto on January 7th. A happy new year to one and all. Luke