<< Before reading the stuff at the link, I'd have likely said 'no'. But like all polls, some of the answer is in the way the question is asked. And the answers, personal opinions, are colored by each individual's knowledge and experience. >> Yes indeed, Joe ! I revisit this link every year 'round this time when that silly Hall of Fame again rears its head. The most fascinating thing to me about that incredibly unscientific Pat Boone poll is that the majority of people who knew and/or worked either with Pat in the Fifties, or were fellow recording artists/contemporaries of his, usually continue to praise Boone's merits. But it seems the younger the subject we questioned, the less informed (with Pat and pre-Beatle rock in general) and (as a result?) the more negative the responses were, and of the knee-jerk variety more often that not. There's a lesson to be learned here, somewhere....