I generally agree with you David, but to add a touch of optimism here... I read a brief statement regarding Bon Jovi and a member of the nominating committee was asked if they'll ever be inducted, and he said that they would not no matter how many records they sell because they were not influencers of any way, shape or form and that "rock and roll history would not change one whit whether or not Bon Jovi existed or not".... I'm not sure that this applies to some already-inducted artists lol but that's what is the supposed logic for nominees.... ________________________________ From: David Eddy To: audities@smoe.org Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 8:54:18 AM Subject: Re: RRHOF I may be totally cynical on the subject, but it seems to me that with the vast majority of inductees, the question isn't the style of music but rather how much money did you make for the industry. On that front, ABBA and Genesis (the fabulous Phil version) are the perfect fits and The Stooges are the odd-balls to make it. If things went strictly on artistic merit, many who are in the hall would still be in place but some who have made piles of cash would be sitting on the outside looking in. And some who didn't make that much money at all would certainly be in, perhaps King Crimson???? How about Big Star, with a very similar amount of output as the Stooges? How about Todd Rundgren? Just saying. --- On Tue, 12/15/09, twangboy@aol.com wrote: