Went to see Imogen Heap this past Saturday night in Boulder CO. It snowed about 10" by the next morning so the drive home (to Denver) after the show was rather interesting. I got to meet/see/hear Imogen and her stage band. Two members of the stage band also have solo careers and opened the show with their independent sets. The first act, Ryan Breen, who plays under the band name "Back Ted n-Ted" has some nice hookie songs. I bought his EP and have some of his myspace songs. I think his full CD will be out in 2010. The song with the killer hook that won't stay out of my head is oddly titled, "Hookie". It's poppy, electronic with a driving beat. See/hear it here: http://www.ilike.com/artist/Back+Ted+N-Ted+/videos/251847131 (I also like this song because our family's 11 year old cat is named Hookie – that's another story). Other songs of his at: http://www.ilike.com/artist/Back+Ted+N-Ted+ Enjoy! M