Hi from a newbie. I learned of this list from others who post on the Todd Rundgren 'BeyondAWizard' yahoo list, and I am a fan of powerpop, electronic pop etc. Reading that any Beatles song could be less than great would have been heresy in the 1960's alas, it true there are a few clunkers. Revolution #9 never did anything for me. It's always a treat to hear an early Beatles tune that is rarely heard or was never popular to begin with irrespective of its quality.. Anyway Beatles fans in the Pittsburgh area might like this: http://www.wyep.org/events/event.php?event_id=1281 The Danish band Carpark North is offering a new song called "The One" it a mashup mixing their electronic pop style with a classical piece: http://www.carparknorth.dk/theone.zip Bleu is previewing some songs from his next CD "Four" at http://www.sonicbids.com/epk/epk.aspx?epk_id=237863 WPA (Works Progress Administration) featuring Americana/Folk/Bluegrass (and a bit of pop) is touring the east coast USA now. The band features quite a few great musicians from the bands of Tom Petty, Elvis Costello, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Lyle Lovett, Nickle Creek http://wpamusic.bandcamp.com/album/wpa Also Glen Phillips of WPA/Toad the Wet Sprocket has another project called Remote Tree Children. I'm loving 'Blood Pressurized' and 'You Will Be Pwned' - experimental pop? http://remotetreechildren.bandcamp.com/ Enjoy ! Michael Mac