I'll play! Please Please Me - "Do You Want To Know a Secret!" - George's nasal voice on this ... Ugh! With The Beatles - "I Wanna Be Your Man" - Awful throwaway Ringo-fluff, although the Stones toughened it up and made it better A Hard Day's Night - "I'm Happy Just To Dance With You" - I don't actually dislike any song on this album, but this is probably the closest to filler material Beatles For Sale - "Mr Moonlight" - No contest! Help! - "I've Just Seen A Face" - To me this sounds very un-Beatle-like Rubber Soul -"What Goes On" - Ringo strikes again Revolver - "Yellow Submarine" - and again (also, comedy songs wear very thin, very quickly) Sergeant Pepper's - "Within You Without You" - George lectures us on the errors of our ways (set to to Indian restaurant background music) Magical Mystery Tour - "Blue Jay Way" - An endless George one-chord drone The Beatles (White Album) - "Rocky Raccoon" - just pure Macca drivel - I prefer Rev 9 to this Yellow Submarine - "Yellow Submarine" - It's still awful two years on from Revolver. Abbey Road - "Sun King" - Bo Ring Let It Be - "One After 909" - I DO like the version on Anthology much better Past Masters - "The Inner Light" - More unsolicited Indian teachings from George In case anyone thinks I am anti-George, I think "Old Brown Shoe" is a fine song, as is "Long, Long, Long" (as are many of George's late period Beatles fare) . I just happen to find his songs infinitely better when not swamped in Eastern mysticism and sitars. PS What's this in the news about some US website straming the Beatles for free and flogging MP3 files for 25c each? Bluebeat.com is the site - I've never heard of them. EMI are reportedly very annoyed.