Dear Readers... It has come to my attention that some of you are tired of getting these notices 3 times a week, and that it would be preferable to assume you know that there is a new blog every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and to let you find them yourselves. I'm perfectly fine with that. For those of you that would like these little reminders, (and the odd mp3, photo, and/or other bonus items), to continue, I will start a newsletter. Just respond to this email with 'subscribe' in the subject header, and I will add you to the list. If you don't feel like writing 'subscribe', you may write down 'donut', 'nipple', or 'Beer', and I will add you to the newsletter list as though you had written 'subscribe'. In the meantime, here's the link to today's column, and the continuing story of The Segarini Band... bob