Don't get me started... This same guy.... One of our new songs is built on loops I extracted from a song on the last album. We just keep telling him he was drunk and didn't remember recording the song. He's totally puzzled. Worse, he didn't understand we were making an album. There was a schedule for everyone, and clear deadlines. The fccer sets his drums up and leaves them here for 2 1/2 months... only plays on five songs! Deadline comes and goes... He takes his drums away... I call Mike Musburger and ask if he wants to play on our record. He says Yes. Just happens he'll be in the area just when we need him. He comes prepared... something our "regular drummer" never did and nails the six most complex songs on the album in two easy days. Our "regular" drummer sees the vid for one of the songs, and says "I didn't play on that"... no you didn't! Now I know I can make records with out having to worry... wrote: > Um, hello, he's a drummer!!!!!!!!! ;-) > > g > > > ---------- Original Message ---------- > christ, even the guy who plays > drums with us can never figure out what's going on. > > > > > -- Ronald Sanchez Director of A&R