I'll be the last one to hear the new issues. Love the Beatles, but must plead poverty. I'm hoping to at least get the monos, if and when they put more out. I've been told this will happen.. As for remixing... no, no no. The YS Songtrack just wasn't right. So many important sonic decisions were made along the way, trying to reconstruct it all seems to be contrary. Considering that there was so much sub mixed, you can imagine, they didn't spend weeks mixing the albums. Sure, so stuff got looked at more than once, and some songs got remade. I find it curious that people don't completely understand the recording process. We hear the term remastered all the time now, applied to anything, so it might be confusing. Most people don't know how the sound got on to the vinyl, or into a CD... christ, even the guy who plays drums with us can never figure out what's going on. I know mixing is not a process that many people could suffer through. I know my wife hates it... Me, I like mixing, but it's a very difficult task. I just finished our album... I must have spent at least a month just mixing... not 12 hours a day, every day mind you. I had to get away from it... Did 8 mixes and then went on vacation. When I listened to those, I was pretty unhappy. The second round of mixing went a bit better, as I now had a baseline to start from. I did an album with the Welsh band Man. I got the "important songs" mixed in two days, then had just one day to mix the remaining five songs. Didn't help that one was really long! I think I even surprised Conrad Uno, when I pulled down the faders on the last mix, just as the clock ticked over to 10pm, quitting time. I did sit in on a mastering session once, but mostly to help the engineer keep track of the bits... I left it up to him. Now, I just send it out to be done. I'm sure there was a lot of discussion when they were working on the Beatles stuff. I'm glad to hear most everyone is happy... -- Ronald Sanchez Director of A&R www.CareerRecords.com www.Donovans-Brain.net