Beatard...I like it. I also like Beatler, Fabaddict, Moptopper, and Gallagher Brothers. Brian Wilson bought one of the old 4 tracks and shipped it to L.A in the back seat of Brian Epstein's Rolls, which he also least that was the Legend in Hollywood. There is new software that can seperate the instruments and vocals, even from a mono recording...scary. Best to ya, your music, bob --- On Wed, 9/16/09, Robert Sutliff wrote: From: Robert Sutliff Subject: Re: Beatles Remasters To: Received: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 12:12 PM Bob, Supposedly, much if not all work has been done remixing the catalog where possible. In the case of the 4 track years (A Hard Days Night onward) all the tracks from the 4 track reels  have been transferred to Pro Tools including earlier bounces from pre master 4 track reels and synched together. As you know they would fill up a four track reel and then bounce it to another 4 track and add additional tracks. This is how they did the Love mashup remixes. Look for this new cash cow product to be available in a couple of years. Oh btw - my favorite term for Beatles geek (and I'm one) is Beatard.. Bobby Sutliff > Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 19:22:32 -0700 (PDT) > From: bob > To: > Subject: Re: Beatles Remasters > Message-ID: <> > > can remaster masters. That means the finished stereo or mono mixes. If you go back to the original multi-track tapes, you would have to remix them before you could remaster them. > I would be very surprised if they ever remixed these classic songs, but I've been wrong before. > The Capitol singles were remixed by Gary Usher for The Beatles Story double LP, a little known fact, but true, at least, that'swhat he told us when we were working on Wackering Heights. > I also like the errors and chair squeaks, flat overdubbed vocals, two different verses being sung at the same time, dropped tambourines, etc. Remember: A masterpiece is known by it's flaws. > > bob > > > > >