Mark; Here's one easy way to think of it... but there are a couple fine points in here too  :) Any tape or original sound source can be remastered to some degree... whether it is the original "un-mixed" master tape for instance, or, as in the case of the Beatles, they took the MIXED tapes that were the ones used to create the singles and LPs long ago and did a lot of digital wizardry to clean the sound up.... and this is what you are hearing on the CDs we're all raving about...  so in other words, the engineers did not feel empowered nor were they allowed to go back to the UNMIXED original tapes and make changes back at that point in the process... REMIXING, however, is a whole other can of worms, and that is what I think you're wanting info on as well...  if those engineers were to go back to the original 4 or 8 track tapes and start REMIXING things, it would have set off a whole new controversy... when things are remixed, that means they could actually pan sounds differently in the stereo channels, make the guitar lead a lot louder, change the dynamics in the harmony parts etc... remember, George Martin, some Abbey Road engineers and the BEATLES themselves made those music/dynamics/sonic choices as to how the songs would be MIXED and this is sacred ground in the opinion of many... those mixes were artistic statements and they resulted in the master copy tapes that were used in these recent releases... You probably have other CDs in your collection that say they were REMIXED and REMASTERED.... which means someone like Jimmy Page or Pete Townshend or Robbie Robertson went back and took all of the unmixed contributions to a song and sat and made new versions of the sons with a remxing project that probably inlcuded remastering as well... Did that help? Mike --- On Wed, 9/16/09, Mark Eichelberger wrote: From: Mark Eichelberger Subject: Remix vs Remaster Was: Beatles Remasters To: Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 7:47 AM Folks, All this talk of mixing, remixing, mastering and remastering is confusing my non-musician brain.  Could one of you musician/recording studio types define these terms or describe the process.  I've always been confused on the differences of a mix vs. a master. TIA, Mark E.,