Well, sure ... a remix is exactly what I'm wishing for. Not a dramatically different remix, just one that fixes little errors and improves things that suffered from the limitations of 1960s technology. Again, I point to the "Yellow Submarine Songtrack" and "Love" as examples of what's possible. "Eleanor Rigby" with the strings in stereo, for example. And I don't buy the argument that they'd never remix such classics. They've done exactly that for the Who, the Beach Boys, the Zombies, and any number of other important bands. Why not the most important '60s band of all? But no mix will ever make everyone happy. What I really want is for them to release the original multitrack sessions so those of us with home studio setups can play with them ourselves. I am quite confident that that, at least, will never happen. Robert R. Berry bob wrote: > Folks...you can remaster masters. That means the finished stereo or mono mixes. If you go back to the original multi-track tapes, you would have to remix them before you could remaster them. > I would be very surprised if they ever remixed these classic songs, but I've been wrong before. > The Capitol singles were remixed by Gary Usher for The Beatles Story double LP, a little known fact, but true, at least, that'swhat he told us when we were working on Wackering Heights. > I also like the errors and chair squeaks, flat overdubbed vocals, two different verses being sung at the same time, dropped tambourines, etc. Remember: A masterpiece is known by it's flaws. > > bob > > www.fyimusic.ca > > www.radiothatdoesntsuck.com > > --- On Tue, 9/15/09, Swim Taxi wrote: >