Very well stated. I think that makes the most sense. Shazam are a small independent group.Who knows what went on between albums. Life, finances, health issues.We are just very lucky they even put out a new album[just got mine so I can't review it], that it got produced, and Not Lame got involved. I am sure they have a decent fan base, I know the Move fans love them because I belong to a group of them.Hopefully it will do well enough so we get a follow up. Mark, I wouldn't worry at all.Again, we are quite fortunate you made another one. So looking forward to it. Gene > From: > To: > Subject: Length of Time Between Releases Con't > Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 16:40:41 -0400 > > I can see how length of time between releases could prompt the dreaded - > "It took them how long to make this!?" syndrome but speaking from my > (meager) musical perspective, length of time between releases indeed > doesn't always mean that the artist has been working on said album for > that length of time. I can say that really hasn't been the situation > re: my album releases. Case in point - My last release ("Million Dollar > Milkshake") was back in '03. I didn't begin proper recording of my > newest till fall of '06 and finished it early winter '08. Lots of stuff > occurred in between and since - some industry stuff but also a lot of > other work, babies being born, general life stuff. I think people can > forget sometimes that in the end, artists who makes records are, of > course, just people first; sh*t happens that takes them away from the > music. Also, I can't speak to Axl Rose's record making > process/time-line, I don't have that kind of scratch/time (and maybe I'm > wrongly assuming he does) but I suspect a band like The Shazam is > probably not that far off from my own situation - lives, families, maybe > day gigs, limited immediate recording budgets, etc. Not to defend the > new Shazam record (I haven't heard it) but I always feel like when indie > or semi-indie bands pull off professional quality records at this level > of the playing field it's generally viewed in my mind as a minor > miracle. There are, more often then not, many, many obstacles/sacrifices > to overcome in the making of these little gems, monetarily and > personally. I think if I/we were sane we probably wouldn't bother but > I'm always glad in the end that we do ;-) > > Best, > Mark > (Who's now dreading the "it took him 7 years to make this?!" when his > album releases in a few months ;-) > > > _________________________________________________________________ Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online.