----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Myers" >But to me they helped me realize the possibilities of my LIFE... to >be creative, to oppose the Viet Nam war while in college, to think >outside the box, to realize there was this whole material world out >there that I did not necessarily have to conform to... I need to be >redundant here and say that for me, they were a life-altering force >more powerful than my professors, my employers etc etc So...in that case, my parents were my Beatles, but unfortunately, my mom couldn't carry a tune and my dad lost interest in music when Patsy Cline's plane went down. >I have been reading a lot of the replies, and it seems that many of >the posters have picked bands that made them think of new musical >possibilities, or perhaps some act that really struck a chord with >them (sorry, bad pun).... but most of the comments seem to be more >about the quality of the music that these other bands have devised... >am I totally off-base here? >I guess what I'm saying is that the Beatles were so much more than >the music to me... and I haven't read too much along those lines in >these other thoughtful replies... Can't speak for anybody else, but in my own case, I never looked to pop music to teach me the big life lessons. Not to say it's not important to me -- obviously it is, given that I've built a career around it -- but music is important to me in and of itself, not as a philosophical conduit. Even the musicians who I *do* consider influential in how I've shaped my worldview, it's more about the ideas underpinning their music than the music itself, if you get what I'm saying. S