I have to agree with Mike - The Clash changed my life if way to many ways. I heard "Give Em Enough Rope" in High School and bought the newly released "London Calling" the next day. It was like a pass to a secret society. I had "outgrown" Top-40, but wasn't buying into the hair-metal that was emerging as the choice of my classmates. I soon discovered Trouser Press and even more doors were opened. Soon, I found I wasn't alone in my choice of music and forged many strong & lasting friendships - 2 of my closest friends I've known for going on 30 years. The Clash taught me to question authority...and I don't mean as a mindless bumper sticker, but to actually question "Why are things this way?" - "What can be done to change things?" By adopting The Clash & Billy Bragg, I figured out which side I was on...with a push from their lyrics. When I had a headhunter call me about a job, an old girlfriend had to talk me into going to the interview. The punk-rock philosophy that I was "selling out" was a lot for me to get over...Of course, I wasn't intentionally sabotaging myself - I just needed her to point out that our generation is selling ourselves short b/c of these ideals we had as teens. She convinced me we deserved success as much (or more) than the people who just go take it. That's how deeply these musical philosophies had embedded themselves - I was ready to turn down a job offer for double the pay I was making, because it wouldn't be "punk" to make a decent living. (As I type this, I realize how idiotic I must sound, but I'm simplifying the situation to make the point - Mainly, that I wasn't even aware of what I was doing, until it was pointed out to me). The Clash (and to a larger extent, The Ramones) lead me to starting a band. That band lead me to meeting a ton more people and eventually playing the 1st SXSW in Austin...Which lead me to going to SXSW most every year...Which led to meeting more people...Which led to me moving 1200 miles from Milwaukee to Austin. So, Yes - The Clash changed my life. I often wonder if I would've been happier if I continued listening to Billy Joel & Meatloaf & Eddie Money & ... Would I have a different job? Would I have a wife & kids? Would I still live in my hometown? When I go home and visit family & friends, the answers seems to be yes to most of them...but happier is still the big question mark.