Perhaps I wasn't clear. I enjoy Lady GaGa's singles because I think they're good pop records. That she's an antidote to the utterly sterile pop charts is an added bonus. "That's why it's good to have an album collection?" Mine's as deep as any here. If anything I think this list is too often guilty of wallowing in the past -- to the exclusion of the new, thus we end up with the comments that sparked this thread to begin with. JLM ----- Original Message ----- From: "Holmes Online" To: Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 11:05 PM Subject: Re: Request >>> I find her pop-art antics the most refreshing part of a mainstream pop >>> scene that's filled by awful AAA acts and moribund American Idol >>> cast-offs. > > Doesn't sound like most of that scene is refreshing at all. This is why > it's good to have an album collection. If/when new sucks, wallow in old. > > I can understand that an annoying act that is being ironic is better than > an annoying act that is the target of the joke, but if neither is > entertaining, why bother? Is the "least bad" good, by definition? And > truthfully, no offense to anyone who *truly* enjoys the gaga routine - I'm > all for subjective. But if your criteria is "it's lame, but at least it > doesn't suck as bad as THAT", maybe you need to raise the bar a bit. > > b > > >