--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, "John L. Micek" wrote: > > Explain, please. > I find her pop-art antics the most refreshing part of a mainstream pop scene > that's filled by awful AAA acts and moribund American Idol cast-offs. > There is a place in the cosmos for utterly disposable pop, and I believe she > occupies it. That she understands this actually means she's in on the joke. > > John Micek Hey John, Different strokes and no offense intended. Hey, I love my fair share of disposable pop too. Maybe she's today's (although more popular) Bow Wow Wow (whom I liked at the time)? So, maybe I'm getting old but I'm just up to my eye brows in seeing her mug and kooky outfits everywhere I turn (only a slight exaggeration). The ongoing onslaught of her is what the joke was mostly aimed at. She seems so about marketing herself and I just grow weary of it. That she's in on the joke doesn't surprise me but it doesn't make her seem any less grating to me. Steve (to many parenthesis)D.