Gigolo Aunts - Minor Chords and Major ThemesAbsolutely stellar - every single song is amazing.This is the album that SHOULD have made them huge. They opened for Counting Crows on this tour, back when Counting Crows was huge. You can find this one pretty easily in a cut-out bin at the few record stores that are left  on a side note I just got back from my first trip to New York, and while I love the city and its residents, the record store shopping was absolutely atrocious. Considering the number of people that live there, there weren't very many stores ( I went to about 15), and the selection in them was lame - I went to Greenwich Village (Bleeker Street) and the East Village (St Mark's Place) - am I missing something? A lot of the music stores that were in the phone book had since gone out of business. Is this happening in other cities? I honestly felt like I wasted a day that I could have been sightseeing instead (or waiting in line to see Letterman).I know in Calgary, quite a few stores have closed down recently(in the small chance you will be coming to Calgary, check out RECORDLAND - still the single best record store I have ever been to ( I know I have to check out Amoeba in the future). In my opinion, the best city to go music shopping is without question SEATTLE there has to be about 10 great stores in the Emerald City. New Yorkers, I know you love your city, and I love it too, but the music stores stink!