On Jul 19, 2009, at 11:26 AM, Mike Bennett wrote: > I think this is what gets to those of us who don't worship > Jellyfish. What many here hear as power pop, I hear as wussy and > fussy. (I should note that the spellcheck on my Blackberry tried to > change wussy into pussy, which means something). > Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry > Wow, where do I begin... Oh, I know, with the original post that cited Badfinger. By your definition, Baby Blue and No Matter What would constitute as Power Pop. Without You and Carry On would not. All four songs by the same band. As the question was posed, I can see why folks did not go for your definition of Power Pop and maybe went with the kinds of bands that are normally discussed on this forum. Beach Boys, XTC, etc. are not Power Pop but discussed on this forum on a regular basis. I don't disagree with your definition, I'm just saying I believe most of us took the question to be a choice among the groups/artists that are discussed here. I guess a separate survey with your definition of power pop would clear things up. Personally if this list only encompassed such a narrow aspect of the music scene, I'd have little interest. I've always looked at this list as pertaining to Pure Pop. A much wider umbrella. As always, these choices are subjective. I don't get bent out of shape if someone doesn't see things my way. It's like arguing what's the most delicious dinner, lobster newburg or filet mignon. Spilt Milk doesn't strike me as wussy. Just beautiful vocally. And if by fussy you mean attention to details, planning how an album will flow seamlessly from one track to another, etc., then I guess it is fussy. Another fussy album would be XTC's Skylarking, which is not Power Pop, but in my opinion a masterpiece. That is all. Hope you all had a great weekend. Monday morning will be here all too soon! Daryll -- BEGIN-ANTISPAM-VOTING-LINKS ------------------------------------------------------ Teach CanIt if this mail (ID 12704609) is spam: Spam: http://canit.sitedesignworks.com/b.php?i=12704609&m=3a1f9eb2b4e2&c=s Not spam: http://canit.sitedesignworks.com/b.php?i=12704609&m=3a1f9eb2b4e2&c=n Forget vote: http://canit.sitedesignworks.com/b.php?i=12704609&m=3a1f9eb2b4e2&c=f ------------------------------------------------------ END-ANTISPAM-VOTING-LINKS