Ok kids, thanks for playing along so far... but now this is where it really gets to be fun....  PLEASE keep your contributions coming along to my challenge of yesterday... the list is long and varied and there seems to be some great CDs that I for one am not familiar with.... as mentioned, I am compiling a list and will publish the results as soon as the contributions flow to a trickle (and possibly dry up completely), but now let's go to the next phase of my challenge, and this is where the fun should really start, and there is no longer a need to be terse... because I want a deeper dialogue about the state and well-being of the music form that we all love.... I deliberately chose No Dice by Badfinger as my model for this discussion... ah-ha yeah I'm one of those quiet and provocative guys... let's go through some of the reasons I went down this path..... They had a HUGE radio hit on their own with No Matter What... their own version of Without You is astounding (I love the variation between sweet and gruff harmonies), and of course Nilsson had an even bigger hit with that song....  there are great rockers and wonderful ballads... but this only points to where I'm going with my quest for more information. Badfinger hit big on AM and FM radio... they had hits... when their albums came out, those were somewhat newsworthy events... most people on the street would at least recognize one or more of their songs... so what changed? Think of the CDs you all have suggested I put on my list... and let me preface all of the remaining commentary by saying that I own and love/appreciate the greatest majority of the ones you've recommended... but to be honest, for the most part these artists labor in obscurity and their works are known to only the most cognizant/obsessive/fanatical few... a few of them have enjoyed some amount of airplay and a couple of the artists are probably known by the proverbial man/woman on the street.... but we all love a style of music that is certainly not in vogue these days... so... tell me why this is, I truly want your opinion - is it that radio has marginalized this music? - is it that music styles have fractionalized to the point where our tiny subdivision has gotten lost? - has the average music lover lost appreciation for melody/harmony such as found in our favorite songs? - is it something personal for us, that we seek out the obscure lost nuggets? I could go on but won't, I only pose these questions as a starting point... I KNOW that many of you are not faint of heart lol...  I suppose I'll end by asking if you can construct your argument in such a way that helps us understand what is "real" today as well as what you see the future to be.... and gosh, if no one else has said it to you this week, I will....   I really do want your OPINIONS!!!! thanks Mike