I echo Anna's sentiments about this fine project. It's in heavy rotation on my....iPhone? Well, it's a modern world, isn't it? I am still waiting for flying cars, or at least for a BART extension to San Jose. But I digress....let's hear it for Michael Carpenter! Marty -----Original Message----- From: audities-owner@smoe.org [mailto:audities-owner@smoe.org] On Behalf Of Anna Borg Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:46 PM To: audities@smoe.org Subject: Michael Carpenter Redemption #39 I am making a separate post because I didn't want my thoughts on Michael's cd to get lost in my long ramblings. As with any artist I follow, it's always a joy to see the growth in each new release, and Michael doesn't disappoint. The "Americana/country" (and let's not forget that one of the top country artists currently is also an Aussie,) influence adds a gravitas to the sparking, power pop production. I think what I like best about this record is that it's a thoroughly modern affair. Little elements come through when I wear headphones that keep me interested and excited. Sadly, I have bought too many albums lately that have that great surface sound, but I quickly become bored. "Redemption #39" works as a whole album, of course, but the songs really shine when I have my iTunes on shuffle. The influences on some songs are brutally clear sometimes, but a little homage never hurt anyone. "Redemption #39" is a great Summer record. That alone should incite a mad rush to iTunes/Notlame.com/KoolKatmusik.com we can never have enough great summer records! a Anna Borg TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757 http://www.tallboyrecords.com