> > Ahhh...just like the good old days. > I know, just last week I was bemoaning the lack of what I termed a "good old fashioned beat down". Lo and behold...... music content: The new Cheap Trick, even though it's a collection of mostly discarded stuff from over the years, rocks pretty good. Not going to set the world on fire, but nothing to be embarrased about either. Holsapple/Stamey - I like them better together. While I enjoy their individual efforts, this proves the whole is indeed greater than the sum of the parts. Again, not groundbreaking, but a nice listen and some absolutely sublime vocal harmonies. Not too far removed from "Mavericks". Nothing hits the high mark of "Angels", but not much does. Even without looking at the liner notes, it's fairly easy to identify who was responsible for each track, but it still feels like a team effort and not just a collection of their solo songs. I wonder what ever happened to the dB's record they were working on a couple years ago? And the San Francisco talk leads me to the question...what has become of Scott Miller? Is he out of the business completely? _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don’t worry about storage limits. http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/Storage?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_Storage_062009