Can't speak for other AWOL old-timers, but the main reason I don't post as much as I used to is that I'm pretty much talked out. Over the last --what, 13 years!? Jeez!-- I think I've expressed nearly every opinion I had about artists and songs, described every pop-celeb encounter, submitted my take on the changes in popular tastes and recording technology over the years and, generally speaking, offered pretty much everything I have to offer on Audities-related topics. The cupboard is bare! More than a few times, I've started typing a post and then discarded it, convinced that I'd made that point before. Most recently, I was about to describe the time I mashed-up my two favorite artistic interests (pop music and comic books) by introducing David Bash to Grant Morrison. Then I suspected I'd told that one before, so I didn't hit "send." No one wants to be grandpa on the porch, rockin' and smokin' and spinnin' the same old yarns over and over. So that's a big reason I'm mostly a lurker these days. I still check the list at least once a day, and I miss the old guard too.