Hi again folks.. Just letting anyone who's interested know that the new album "Redemption #39" is out there in most forms now. Available from the Big Radio site at www.bigradio.com, Not Lame, and Kool Kat. Rock Indiana in Spain have just released their version over there. Itunes now has it, as does Emusic, Napster, Rhapsody and the like. For those curious, most of it is up at www.myspace.com/michaelcarpenter to try before you buy. For those who already have dived in, thanks as always for your support. People seem to be responding well to the record so far, and I hope you're enjoying it. There should be another video done over the next few weeks if I can find a spare day. I'm also toying with the idea of having some sort of competition where I offer up the multi-tracks for a song or two and see who can come up with the best remix. But I'm still trying to work out if anyone would be interested in that, and what the 'prize' would be. Any ideas welcome! On another note, and without fear of flooding the market, the rest of the Cuban Heels record should be done soon. So hopefully that'll be out before the end of the year. 2 albums in 7 months? What do I think this is.. 1964? Sorry again for the spam. I know self promoting can be quite boring, but when you're doing it all yourself, you don't really have much choice! And seeing as how I reckon you guys may like it, you're kind of my target audience.. In other news, I'm going through a period of rediscovering great live records from when I was a kid. Eagles Live. Fleetwood Mac live. The 2 Bob Seger Live albums. Wings Over America. Beatles at Hollywood Bowl. Supertramp Live. Manfred Mann live. Steve Miller Band live. I love it. And I don't care how live they are... I still love them. MC www.mcarp.com www.myspace.com/michaelcarpenter www.lovehzstudios.com