Might as well let the whorin' continue... Splitsville will be headlining David Bash's IPO on 8/1. Those of you in LA who can make it, please make sure you say hello to the band (this is an all-ages show, so bring your teenage daughters along). We'd like to meet you all. Full details and line up are as follows: Saturday, August 1: The Knitting Factory-Alterknit Lounge 7021 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood 323 463-0204 www.knittingfactory.com $10 8:00 Rollywood 8:30 Jason Karaban 9:00 Blue Skies For Black Hearts 9:30 The Happy Endings 10:00 The Parties 10:30 The Waking Hours 11:00 Meg & Rebel Heart 11:30 Splitsville >----- ------- Original Message ------- ----- >From: :audities@smoe.org >To: audities@smoe.org >Sent: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 07:59:19 > > >I know......along that same vein, I just discovered >a new Holsapple/Stamey release and tour, and also >no mention on the list. > > > >Not to get all nostalgic. but this place sure ain't >what it used to be. I'll admit to being part of >that problem. > >These days audities seems to exist as a place to >shill various blogs, podcasts, webcasts, etc. >Twelve years of reading daily audities emails makes >it hard to send the unsubcribe message, but I'm >getting closer every day. The list seems to have >strayed very far from its' charter. > > > >You very seldom see a good old fashion beat down >anymore either. At least those were entertaining. > > > > > >>> >> I thought for sure someone would have alerted >this list to a new Bleu album. >> >> >___________________________________________________ >______________ >Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don’t worry >about storage limits. >http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/Storage?oci >d=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_Storage_062009