I know......along that same vein, I just discovered a new Holsapple/Stamey release and tour, and also no mention on the list. Not to get all nostalgic. but this place sure ain't what it used to be. I'll admit to being part of that problem. These days audities seems to exist as a place to shill various blogs, podcasts, webcasts, etc. Twelve years of reading daily audities emails makes it hard to send the unsubcribe message, but I'm getting closer every day. The list seems to have strayed very far from its' charter. You very seldom see a good old fashion beat down anymore either. At least those were entertaining. >> > I thought for sure someone would have alerted this list to a new Bleu album. > > _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don’t worry about storage limits. http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/Storage?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_Storage_062009