Time Gentlemen Please **Radiant Future Records / Martin Gordon/ 'Time Gentlemen Please'!** **Did you know that:** "In a 21st century littered with dour sourpuss and earnest confessional, Martin Gordon stands alone as a beacon of comic genius, melodic incisiveness and lyrical intelligence. He is truly the last great British songwriter left standing". /Dave Thompson / Goldmine 2009/ The fifth (and final) part of the so-called Mammal Trilogy will be released on July 1st. The title of this fifth and final outpouring of bile and spite disguised as popular entertainment is *'Time Gentlemen Please'.* Ladies are naturally also invited to participate. Audio previews are on the website . Amazon, quick off the mark as ever, have it set for release on July 13th, and it is now available for pre-order here . (In fact, copies have already arrived at Voiceprint, and can be found here . But don't tell Amazon). Those who simply cannot wait can now download it, via all the usual outlets. But the 20-page interactive booklet and the Mammal competition, for which you need the booklet at hand, might make it worth waiting. More details on the website. *New album from the one-time Sparks & Radio Stars bassist - the fifth part of the Mammal Trilogy <#New_album>* *Sounds like this:* Thrashing guitars, thrumming ukelele, raucous brass, double bass and bar-room piano provide the sonic back-drop. The sterling vocals of Swede Pelle Almgren are once again to the fore, and his glorious trademark harmonies are a career-best, especially on the über-ballad '21st Century Blues'. Live performance is key, with not a fade-out to be heard. From faux big-band swing ('If Boys Could Talk and Girls Could Think') to breakneck amphetamine-pop ('Interesting Times'), from dramatic big-hair ballads sung in Latin about the perils of celebrity ('Incognito Ergo Sum') to pub-piano sing-alongs bemoaning cheap flights ('I'm Budgie (Don't Fly Me)'), from crunching pop decrying the actions of the Almighty ('Come Out Come Out Whoever You Are') to the quasi-Floydian epic 'You Can't See Me' which closes the set, Gordon spans the gamut. The sonic melange includes flocks of bleating sheep ('I Have a Chav'), the gentle splashing of waves around the protagonist's canoe ('Panama') and the uncertain countdown of the flight controller at the Kennedy Space Centre ('Houston We Gotta Drinking Problem'). Take the blueprint of popular song, redesign to serve the purposes of rock, add a leavening of George Formby and the anarchic absurdities of Stanley Holloway and the Bonzos, and file under 'new music-hall'. /More details in the press release (pdf)/ For further details, contact Radiant Future or Jon Mills at No-other PR . * * *RADIANT FUTURE RECORDS* Website More music for grown-ups. And iDiots. Do YOU k now a non-entity who would be willing to take part in a global campaign of humiliation, and then go directly into rehab from the award ceremony? Are they barely educated and scarcely presentable in polite company? So much the better! Entries scribbled upon the back of an infected Mexican piglet to 'Mee, mee mee, mee, mee all the way home!, 14a, the Cuttings, Dorking, Surrey.