got in about an hour ago from seeing Teenage Fanclub. a crowd of a couple hundred people tops. It was a tent in the middle of custom house square in belfast. my hotel is a mere two blocks away. I was right up front for them. neither my friend Michael or Oppenheimer's Rocky met up with me. I think Michael's phone needs a top off as he's a pay as you go. and Rocky has been recovering from flu (I don't think swine flu) matter, once the music started, I was fine. I planted myself right up front (as close as could get with the barrier about 5 feet away) and right in front of Gerry (sigh...) I've always been a smitten kitten for Gerry. We got about 90 minutes of music, including new songs for their forthcoming album, due out this summer. just took a quick peek at my photos from tonight. um, I won't be putting them all up, because it's quite obvious who I focused's a photo of the set list: I realized tonight that I've been a fan of TFC for going on 18 years now. that's half my life. I first saw them when they opened for Uncle Tupelo in March of 1992, just a few months shy of my 20th birthday, and I had been listening pretty much non stop to bandwagonesque since it was released in fall of '91. what a way to finish up a great weekend of music in the UK! just a few more nights and then I have to go home :( I'm ready to be home though. I've been tearing through money like crazy, although haven't reached the amount of cash I thought I'd spend, although with the exchange rate, it'll be close! lauree -- music photos myspace blog