Website *Radiant Future Records: Newsletter Vol. 9 / May 2009* /Contents:/ *New <#New_website>website <#Website> New <#New_album>album <#New_album> Berlin <#Berlin_album_launch>gig <#Berlin_album_launch>* <#Berlin_album_launch> *Website* The website has been redesigned. It now has increased appeal to humans and also has a site map, sadly lacking in recent times. It is not responsible for the destruction of the environment or herrings, and will also make you explode with erotic fire. Sorry, that was put in by spammers, it will not do anything of the kind. You can now navigate around it with the greatest of ease, and nothing is worn under the kilt. We suggest you check it out. Give us some feedback, why doncha, via the Forum or Guest book, both now easily accessible to humans. *New album <#New_album>* The fifth (and final) part of the so-called Mammal Trilogy will be released in July. The title of this fifth and final outpouring of bile and spite disguised as popular entertainment is *'Time Gentlemen Please'.* Ladies are naturally also invited to participate. Those who simply cannot wait till July will be able to download it in June, via all the usual outlets. But the 20-page interactive booklet and the Mammal competition, for which you need the booklet at hand, might make it worth waiting. More details shortly. *Berlin album launch <#Berlin_gig>* * *A gig is planned for late July in Berlin. Pelle Almgren and Ralf Leeman will be present and correct, and there will also be a performance by legendary Camel bassist Colin Bass. There will also be an appearance by legendary Colin bassist Chris Camel. More as details become clear, or at least clearer. And you cannot say fairer than that. /If you can say fairer than that, please do not let us know on a postcard or by any other convenient means which occur to you./* ** * -- *RADIANT FUTURE RECORDS* Website More music for grown-ups. And iDiots. Please be environmentally friendly and think before you have your next thought. Is it REALLY neccessary? Could you not recycle the half-baked thought that you had whilst staggering home last night? And pass it off as a new thought, thus saving the planet and creating at least half of one whole carbon football, which you can kick around behind the bike-sheds at feeding time? You know it makes sense.