A couple options I can suggest: Audacity, freeware for all kinds of audio editing, can handle this easily, but it'll be a pretty hands-on process. iTunes has an option to join multiple tracks when importing songs, which of course would mean re-ripping the tracks in question. Insert CD, select the multiple tracks to be combined, click Advanced on the menu bar, then "Join CD Tracks". When you import, it'll create a single file for those tracks (in your format of choice). Christopher ----- Original Message ----- From: Lawrence R Dunn Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009 9:11 am Subject: Seek advice: stitching together multiple .mp3 files To: audities@smoe.org > Answer off-list if you like. > > Long-time lurker, occasional blurter. > > I recently finished uploading my CD collection to my spiffy new > HDD and have built me a big master playlist that I enjoy > shuffling all the live long day. > > What I'd like to do is stitch together things that can certainly > be enjoyed separately but make a heck of a lot more sense > together -- for instance, the bulk of the old side 2 of Abbey > Road or "This Beat Goes On" and "Switchin' to Glide" by the Kings. > > Are there apps out there for this? Or does the capability exist > in Windows Media Player or Creative Media Source and I'm looking > right at it? > > Thanks for any pointers that can be offered. > >