As much as it pains me to disagree with Bill, I have to come out and say this: if Tinted Windows is the best pop album of 2009, 2009 will go down as a very disappointing year for music. The album sounds wonderful (with big kudos to James Iha, who's guitar work may be the best thing on the album), but I find that it's lacking in the memorable song department. I think that Adam Schlesinger may have tried too hard to make a classic power pop album, to the point that he lost a bit of perspective on what really makes great power pop. First, lyrics do matter. They don't have to be poetry -- but there have to be words and phrases, which can be pretty basic, that provide a center for the brain to hold onto. About the only songs that provide that are "Without Love" and Iha's sole contribution, the gleefully stupid "Cha Cha". Second, the best power pop is about tension and release -- whether it's The Scruffs, Shoes, The Shazam, 20/20, and so forth, songs hit the heights when pent up emotion (commonly unrequited love or sexual frustration -- or both) explodes. These songs get up in the atmosphere, but rarely soar. Let me say this -- I like the album. It sounds swell when it's on, but I've listened to it about 10 times, at least, and can only hum a few of the tunes. I'd love it if they got together with someone like Mike Chapman, who could push them to the level that they are capable of. Mike Bennett Music reviews: Find out about Chicago shows: > From: > To: > Subject: Re: Tinted Windows > Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 17:23:33 +0000 > > > That's enough incentive for me. I was going in the opposite direction until I read this. > > > From: > > To: > > Subject: Tinted Windows > > Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 20:14:09 -0400 > > > > (This has nothing to do with the Cubs, Steve Goodman or karma, I swear.) > > > > TINTED WINDOWS kicks ass. > > > > Are the lyrics on the disposable side? Uh...yup. Bubblegum pop was never > > that deep. Can't believe some of the mags are totally tanking this album, > > like they expected "Good Vibrations" or something. They are missing the > > whole point - this is powerpop incarnate with several singles (in a better > > world, natch) and if that's too lighthearted for them, well...FEITCTAJ. > > > > I'm on record - the best pop record of 2009 so far. > > > > > > > > cheers... > > bill > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > HotmailŪ goes with you. > _________________________________________________________________ HotmailŪ has a new way to see what's up with your friends.