Hi everybody, Just wanted to tell you that my band, CHEAP STAR, has released it's 1st record, entitled "speaking like an elephant". It has been done with our good budddies Jon Auer & Ken Stringfellow from The Posies / Big Star (Jon produced 6 songs, Ken 5 anb each hase done some vocals/guitar/keys work on it). Jon Auer proclaims - “It's really great pop, fresh - like Posies, Big Star, Teenage Fanclub, and Guided By Voices all rolled into one. One of the songs I produced, 'You Got It All' is such a great slice of pop, so pure and...well, it reminds me of what I love about melodic pop in the first place. I produced 'Louder' as well, like the Byrds with a fuzz box (and a little of 'Flavor of the Month' in there as well!)" It's avaiblable on our myspace via Paypal : www.myspace.com/cheapstar or via Kool Kat Musik https://hs69.order-vault.net/koolkatmusik.com/cgi-bin/mivavm/mm5/merchant.mvc?Session_ID=0418c53e9d4b350c21d2c826817bcf55&Screen=PROD&Product_Code=Cheap_Star or via CD BABY http://cdbaby.com/cd/cheapstar Cheers! Remi _________________________________________________________________ Vous voulez savoir ce que vous pouvez faire avec le nouveau Windows Live ? Lancez-vous ! http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowslive/default.aspx