My friend Jack Tielman was putting out Neko's records on vinyl, and doing very well with that. Anit kept the vinyl rights to this new one, Jack was bummed. My neighbot Jason Lytle signed to Anti to release his solo album. He talked to several good labels, but decided to go with Anit because they had realistic expectations. I don't know about the money, but I gather it wasn't anything like he got from V2 for Grandaddy records. Jason owns his record, so he won't get caught up in a mess like the V2 shut down. 40k records is not bad in this modern age. If costs are lower and expenses lower, then you can do ok with these sorts of numbers. I wish we sold 40k of the last Roy Loney album, but as we did it on a shoestring, we have already made money on the deal. btw, Jason Lytle will be doing some West Coast gigs with Neko later in the year. He's head down to SXSW at the moment, with a couple of warm up gigs along the way... anyone in AZ might want to check dates. And in the spirit of neighborly cooperation, Jason has played on a track for my new album... rs ps, I'm on the radio this afternoon 3-6pm Mountain Sherman wrote: >Jeff writes, > >"Do you not think Neko Case's record company (and Neko herself) aren't >falling all over themselves with joy at 44,000 records sold in the first >week?" > >Of course they are. Anti records is set up to make a profit with much fewer sales than a major label, and Neko made a wise choice to release her CD on an indie label, where she can actually see sales royalties not be eaten up by the label's expenses. And being on Leno was a major coup for her. > >But this is besides the point. The article in Newsweek (was there a similar one in TIME, I read the one in Newsweek?) says there's a trend in music towards melody, and points as evidence to Neko's debut at #3. My point is that as much as I wish this were true, one CD selling 44K copies is not a trend. > >Hey, did any one hear the latest CD from the Plain White T's? Not a trend, but a band bucking today's sound and putting out music that I believe most list members would enjoy. > >Take care, >Sherman > > > > > -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records Donovan's Brain