----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff" > Michael and Stewart, > > Are you guys assuming that because Time is a well-established > magazine that their writers are not hip? I'm not accsuing you of > that, I'm just asking for clarification. I have a subscription to > Time and I much prefer that the writers aren't hip (in a Pitchfork > kind of way). Furthermore, I believe that they are right on top of > things much of the time when it comes to culture and the arts. I've > been pleasantly suprised so far with how much I've enjoyed my > subscription to the magazine, received as a Christmas present this > year from my 77 year old Mom. ;-) More that by nature of what kind of magazine it is, by the time an artist appears in Time, I will have aleady heard of them from someplace else. The point of comparison isn't to Pitchfork (a site I have little if any use for), but to Time Inc.'s own Entertainment Weekly, a magazine that does regularly turn me on to new stuff I haven't heard of yet. S