Michael and Stewart, Are you guys assuming that because Time is a well-established magazine that their writers are not hip? I'm not accsuing you of that, I'm just asking for clarification. I have a subscription to Time and I much prefer that the writers aren't hip (in a Pitchfork kind of way). Furthermore, I believe that they are right on top of things much of the time when it comes to culture and the arts. I've been pleasantly suprised so far with how much I've enjoyed my subscription to the magazine, received as a Christmas present this year from my 77 year old Mom. ;-) Bill and Sherman, Do you not think Neko Case's record company (and Neko herself) aren't falling all over themselves with joy at 44,000 records sold in the first week? By any standard, I think, that's a huge and notable success. She's also on the cover and featured in this months Paste. I don't think anyone is predicting a seismic shift here, just a nudge in a "good" direction based on a variety of factors. I can't see how this can be described as "hype" in any sense of the word as we know it, especially in these days. I don't think Time could hype anything if their livelihoods depended on it. Do you think they're expecting a huge subscription surge because they've identified a trend? I'll take good reporting, writing and criticism wherever I can find it. jeff t.