Tons o’ NEW MUSC served up on this week’s Power Pop Show, including brand new releases from… Superdrag, Soundtrack Of Our Lives, White Lies, Youth Group, Ninja Gun, The Odds…and Hot Leg (featuring Justin Hawkins formerly of The Darkness)! In fact, we also served up the “Octomom Breakfast Special”….. 14 eggs, no sausage….and everyone around you pays for it. Download the Podcast and Playlist: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 80s UNDERGROUND THIS WEEK…. More retro love served up on this week’s show including spins from… For Against, Danse Society, Pixies, Hoodoo Gurus, The Smithereens, True West, The Fleshtones, Hunters & Collectors, Spaceman3, Moev, Ultravox…and MORE! And by the way, if you haven’t checked out my interview w/ Pat DiNizio (of the Smithereens) last week….you’re missing out on one truly bizarre hour of radio! Check it!! thanks for listening, Jeff Shelton (your host) The Power Pop Show (Fridays 5-7pm) The 80s Underground (Wednesdays 9-11am) KSCU 103.3fm -  Santa Clara, CA