Gene asked-What do you think of the Hello Saferide. I don't have her first album, just the new one and an ep. But on the ep is a song called "The Quiz". It's a cool song about giving a quiz to a potential boy friend.Look for it. ---Hi Gene, I look for that track. Thanks. I like what little I've heard so far but I have not even heard it all yet. Honestly, I often download things and then put them in shuffle mode on my MP3 player. Thus, sometimes I don't hear things very quickly. I do really like the song "Anna" that I believe you and others mentioned. Gene- Which Josh Rouse? ---I was talking about Bedroom Classics Vol. 3. Maybe you've already heard it? It has a couple good tracks and a couple that seem like total throw aways. Steve D PS: OK, I got into Idol the last two years and really have not tuned in much this year. However, turning it on for a moment I witnessed two prior year contestant's rendition of "The Letter". I watched about 45 seconds and I still feel a bit haunted by its sheer horribleness. NP: Laura Nyro "More then a new discovery" It took me way to long to check this out. (Thanks for the tip Michael B.)