What do Roger Joseph Manning, Jr., The Blue Sky Secret, and our own Jeff Shelton have in common? They're all guests on the Palo Alto Pop Overthrow, the power pop, indie pop, twee pop, baroque pop and pop/punk radio show that streams every Thursday morning from 7-9AM on KZSU Stanford, http://kzsulive.stanford.edu/. We play descendants of the Beach Boys, the Beatles, XTC, and Squeeze, and lots more, new and old. Mostly new :) Check out the interviews we've done recently: - In the interview with Roger Joseph Manning, Jr., we talk about: ...how Roger brought his album to the USA. ...a few songs off of Catnip Dynamite and what they're all about. ...which song of Roger's was practiced but never performed by the Jellyfish, but ended up on the album "Land of Pure Imagination." ...a potential collaboration with one of our favorite bands, Pugwash. ...what music Roger is really grooving to these days. http://blog.palopop.org/2009/02/interview-with-roger-joseph-manning-jr.html - We also recently interviewed Ricky Free from the upcoming power pop band The Blue Sky Secret. The opening track on their EP "What We Are" has practically put my brain into a state of imminent meltdown. Check it out at http://blog.palopop.org/2009/02/interview-with-ricky-free-from-blue-sky.html. - In the next few weeks Mr. Power Pop himself, KSCU's own resident power pop guru, Jeff Shelton (The Well Wishers, The Spinning Jennies) will be stopping by to play an acoustic set and chew the fat with your host, Phil Andrews. We'll keep you posted on the date - we're all excited. As always, playlists, information about featured albums, and the audio of our interviews are always made available at http://www.palopop.org/. Hooks and harmonies, -Phil -- Palo Alto Pop Overthrow with Phil Andrews Thursdays 7-9AM PST / 10AM-Noon EST on 90.1FM KZSU Stanford http://www.palopop.org/